Graduate admissions Steps to apply

Ohio State University graduation

Explore programs

Chances are, you'll find it here. Ohio State offers 94 doctoral programs, 119 master’s programs, 11 professional programs and nine certificate programs.

Explore programs
Reading in the library

Know deadlines and requirements

Familiarize yourself with two sets of requirements: those set by the Graduate School and those set by your program of interest.

Know deadlines and requirements
Consider funding

Consider funding and financial aid

Graduate students at Ohio State have a variety of funding options available to them, including associateships and other employment, fellowships, loans and scholarships.

Consider funding and financial aid
Orton Hall

Prepare required materials

A complete application comprises your online application, transcripts and references, as well as additional requirements set forth by your program.

Prepare required materials
Macbook in the Ohio Union

Apply online

Some graduate programs use Ohio State's regular application; others use a centralized or third-party application service. We'll guide you to the right application for your program.

Apply online
President Drake

Get your decision

Most programs make their autumn term admission and funding decisions between January and March.

Get your decision